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Why HPLC vials can be damaged?


HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) vials can be damaged due to several reasons, including:

1. Physical damage: HPLC vials are made of glass or plastic, and they can be damaged due to physical impact, such as dropping or mishandling. The vial can crack or break, leading to sample contamination or loss.

9mm  screw hplc vials

2. Chemical attack: Some samples or solvents used in HPLC analysis can be aggressive and may react with the vial material. This can lead to corrosion, degradation, or leaching of impurities into the sample, affecting the analysis results.

8mm 2ml hplc vials

3. Temperature variations: Extreme temperature changes can cause thermal shock to the vial, leading to cracks or fractures.

4. Improper sealing: The vial must be sealed tightly to prevent contamination or evaporation of the sample. A poorly sealed vial can result in the loss of the sample or contamination of the HPLC system.

11mm amber snap vial

5. Aging: Over time, the material of the vial can become brittle and prone to cracking, especially if the vial is repeatedly exposed to extreme conditions or harsh chemicals.

HPLC high recovery vial

It is important to handle HPLC vials carefully and to store them properly to prevent damage and ensure accurate and reliable analysis results.

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